A Day of Friendliness

…could enrich all our lives.


A day of friendliness is missing in our world.

Each first Sunday of June every year is especially suitable to be the day of friendliness.

On this day of friendliness all people give each other a friendly wave.

I have noticed for example that bus drivers wave when they pass each other, motorbike riders also and drivers of vintage cars wave to each other, too.

How nice it would be if all people who passed by each other gave each other a friendly wave on one day of the year.


I am asking everyone for their support so that the day of friendliness becomes well-known and can become reality.


…do you also have ideas about how to make theday of friendliness well-known?

… in your street?
… in your town?
… in your club(organization)?
… at your place of work?
… in your circle of friends?
… in your school?
… in your family circle?
… on facebook?
… on twitter?
… on social network sites?
… in the print media?
… on the radio?
… on TV?
… in……………..?


You are free to use and share the logo above for noncommercial purposes. Any use for commercial purposes requires prior approval. The license for free use is usually granted. Please adress your inquiries to tag@der-freundlichkeit.de.
The logo can be downloaded here in good quality.

There are no bad ideas. It is only bad if you don’t try to implement an idea.


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I should like to thank the following companies for compiling this website:
1. LX Werbeagentur GmbH | Webdesign
2. brand revolutions (Logo)
3. Dolmetscher- und Fachübersetzungsbüro RAGUNATHAN

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